Meeniyan Men’s Shed

The Meeniyan Men’s Shed have been busy recently.

Members have been very busy recently helping out other community groups. They sold raffle tickets and donated the prizes (hand made cedar clocks and a framed artwork) and also had a sausage sizzle over the Cup weekend with the proceeds going to Meeniyan Red Cross.

They also sold poppies on behalf of the RSL for Remembrance Day. In the shed members have been repairing children’s toys, making Christmas cut-outs of animals and birds and making chopping boards. A big timber sign for Fish Creek has been made to be used for the Big Bicycle Race.

The memorial bench for Norma Hannay on the Rail Trail near the bridge has now been installed and Reg thanks all the men at the shed for their great help - see pictures.

Members meet every Tuesday and Friday at 1pm. New members welcome.


Meeniyan Marty Gras


Community Hub Update